Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Chicago Cultural Center - Run Don't Walk to See This!

The Cultural Center, located at 78 East Washington Street in the Loop has THE coolest exhibition right now.  I stumbled in late this afternoon to kill a bit of time, and found a real treat. 

It's name is "Spontaneous Interventions:  Design Actions for the Common Good".  Basically, it's a multi-visual parade of good ideas.  I mean GREAT ideas, that have made small, but impactful changes all over the nation.  Using the talents of designers, architects and just plain artistic, clever Americans, lucky urban areas are getting some very human mini makeovers.

For example, in New Orleans, they organized an effort to build, and distribute the plans for, mobile chicken coops.  That may sound foreign in Chicago, but it means the world to low income families to be able to keep a food source in their back yard.  AND they are fabricated out of found materials.  Win/Win

In Brooklyn, they've put up signs in some high stress business areas that read "Skipping Only Zone".  Apparently, people really do and it creates a lot of smiles and interaction between passersby that would not have otherwise happened.  Who thinks of this stuff?

There were plenty of Chicago ideas too, that had flown under the radar for most of us.

Perfect for the little civic-minded devils among us.  I'd say age 6 and up could get something out of it.

Runs till September 1st, 2013

Admission:  FREE!

The pics I took are weak, so please go to their web description for better ones and other general info.


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